OK Alyss

Built a static blog site

Late one night, possibly after too much cider, I bought okalyss.com. I’ve started giving technical meetup talks and the CFP submissions kept asking for a website URL. I felt lacking that I didn’t have one, but I definitely knew of things to write about and how to deploy a blog. So I decided to put a custom blog built with Jekyll (a static site generator) on my new domain.

I did this in two parts.

Part One: Developer Environment for Windows 10

I have a Windows 10 laptop I drag around for gaming at friends but I’ve heard good things about being able to use bash, so I searched for “enabling bash on Windows 10”. My developer environment at work is running macOS with iTerm2, Oh My Zsh, and I like Sublime Text 2 for my text editor.

I couldn’t use iTerm2 on a Windows machine so I jumped around various articles and guides until I found a good Windows 10 reccomendation. I found Owen Williams’s guide to fit. It included a new terminal recommendation and favored ruby development. My new terminal on Windows 10 is Hyper and I can still use Oh My Zsh.

Part Two: Starting a Jekyll project and deploying it

In part one, I was able to get through the initial installation with Ruby and bundler. I had to step off the guided path by using RubyInstaller. I already had bundler, so I was able to jump to the inital jekyll install command.

I was already in my target project directory, so in my terminal:

gem install jekyll

The next command on the Jekyll’s setup guide was jekyll new blog. This caught me up a bit. I expected the install to land inside my directory but, instead, it made a new subdirectory as target/blog/. My expectations were from using Middleman from a previous project. I opened up file explorer and dumped the /blog/ contents into the parent directory.

Next, a theme and support to use github pages.

gem install jekyll-swiss github-pages

Okay, great. Now I want to see what it looks like:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Hmm…I’m getting an error GitHub Metadata: No GitHub API authentication could be found. Some fields may be missing or have incorrect data.. A quick Google query tells me I can fix this by adding a new entry to my _config.yml:

github: description

Now I can use bundle exec jekyll build or bundle exec jekyll serve without error. Once I commited my changes to github, I jumped into my settings and set my custom domain for github pages with the target directory as master. After updating my domain name’s A records, I waited about an hour and my site was live.

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to setup your own site with Jekyll.

This project is maintained by PreciselyAlyss